Singing Connections
These songs are designed to promote fundamental human and British values through singing, as part of schools' collective worship. Composed in close connection with the Birmingham Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education 2007, the songs explore many aspects of behaving and being which help to build happy and fulfilled communities. It is hoped that, through learning these songs and enjoying performing them, children will have the opportunity to think about and connect with what it is to be part of their school and wider community and how their own ac ons can make a valuable contribution.
The first 12 songs are connected to the established clusters of the Birmingham syllabus. The final 4 songs are more generic in content and cover other aspects of school ethos and health.
Each song is provided with a melodic score with chords, performance and backing tracks.
I hope the whole school connects with these songs and experiences some happy and thoughtful music-making together.